Monday, June 30, 2008

3 Ways to Lower Gas Prices

Tough, not easy political maneuvering is needed in order to do this, but it can be done. It just takes gutsy House of Representatives and Senators who are being pushed by their constituency. That means you!

View it here.

Interview with Sergey Brin: Co-founder of Google

This interview opens slightly the heart and mind behind We have all used Google, so the interview might be of interest to most of us given that Sergey is very personable.

Watch it here.

The Evolving Palestinian Narrative:

"The Arabs who became refugees in 1948 were not expelled by Israel but left on their own to facilitate the destruction of Israel,,,,,according to a senior Palestinian journalist".

Read it in their own words and from their own newspapers here.

But before you do so, the real question is why the Western media (for the most part) has not focused in on these confessions about the historical facts from the Arabs themselves -those in the refugee camps- but instead prefer to continue to follow the "official" party line that the PA/Fatah and Hamas spews out to the media?

Duh? Isn't there a story here?

'I would have preferred.......

that one of my other sons would have attained shahada since this one was the joy of my life" WHAT?

See and hear it here.

Osama, too good to be true. Part 1

"Why terrorism is not ubiquitous? It takes no brains.....",right? "Terrorists long for state sponsors" both for financial and PSYCHO support, but is that where we can find the answer?

Read what the what the highly connected mystery blogger has to say about this here.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Entrance to Jeruslaem Bridge

Caroline Glick: Padded pocket politicians

When she covers an opinion piece for JPost, Caroline Glick tends to cover most of the significant angles. In this piece, Glick dissects Israeli political corruption from the Prime Minister on down and is true to her style.

Furthermore, I feel that Glick has moved right into the camp of Prof. Paul Eidelberg and his call for a complete re-do of the Israeli System of gov. using the model of the U.S. separation of powers and direct constituency elections by districts.

"Read all about it" here.

Friday, June 27, 2008

"Getting BACK My Life" from Back Pain

Being somewhat of an expert in this field (as patient and as Dr.), I must admit that I have seen my share of patients who just did not heal or get significantly better over the course of a laid out treatment plan. For those falling into that category, I certainly would not hesitate to make a referral to this Medical the 20/20 special.

However, I think that he is overstating the case since he can not speak for the greater percentage of patients who actually improve and recover under the care of a good Osteopath, Chiropractor and/or Physical therapist, and who never make it to his office since they didn't need him in the first place: they actually recovered using standard practice.

I believe that John Stossel and the Dr. are completely forgetting that there are millions that have been healed and never went on to debilitating chronic pain syndromes.

Watch the 20/20 video on Tamar Yona's Blog here.

Israeli Breakthrough in Solar Thermal Energy for California

"An Israeli entrepreneur is harnessing the sun's energy in an industrial park in the northern Negev, where he plans to refine the technology and then replicate it in California's ......"

Full story here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Muslim Terrorists May be Trying To Sink the Dollar

"Mujahedeen Muslim terrorists may be behind the sinking American dollar as part of a campaign to cripple the American economy, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported.The media watch group....."

Click here for the full story.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jews vs. emigrants

"Jews stay in Israel for love or money. Socialist oligarchic economy leaves enterprising Jews with fraction of salaries they can enjoy in the US. Israeli government pressures the US into limiting the work visas for Israelis to decrease emigration from Israel. Habits and personal connections keep many Jews from ......"

Click here for the rest of the very short, but thought provoking article.

The Islamic Inferiority Complex

Published: 06/24/08, 11:46 PM
The Islamic Inferiority Complex
by Fred Taub

We have learned, albeit the hard way.

Fear is a powerful motivator. Hate groups use this emotion to build their ranks, typified by an inferiority complex to self-justify their goals of global domination. Meanwhile, the very same emotions used to grow hate groups and control their members are self-defeating, as it eventually becomes their downfall.

Healthy societies use introspection as a means to achieve personal and societal self-improvement.

Take for example......(continue)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Incredible - Israeli airstrike on Iraqi nuclear reactor (1981)


For those of us who were too young to remember, this will catch you up in a big way.

For those of us who can remember both the event and the times, this will fill you in on what the public was not told at the time.

This is a well done documentary: typical of The History Channel’s. It does, however, requires 45 minutes of run time.

See it here.

Irena Sendler -VS- Al Gore

This is a remarkable story which has nothing to do with "Global Warming" al la Al Gore. It does have everything to do with the Nobel Peace Prize (so Called) and Secualar World Values.

See the short video here on YouTube.

You might want to check out the related video posted as thumb nails on the site.

Monday, June 23, 2008

NASA Plans to Visit the Sun

NASA Science News for June 10, 2008

NASA has a daring new mission on the drawing board: Solar Probe Plus, a spacecraft tough enough to visit the sun itself.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pastor John Hagee Addresses AIPAC 2008

WOW! Can you believe a non-Catholic being more Catholic than the Pope? Well, this man pull no punches theologically and is more of a Zionist than the vast number of American rabbis.

Amazingly, he got an excellent receiption from the otherewise liberal to secular AIPAC members at the meet. You can view the short video of Hagee at AIPAC here.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

End of the Olmert Regime

"Olmert has passed the point of no return in the court of public opinion, which has determined that he must go."

I'll believe it when I see it, but nevertheless, here is an excellent article in the JPost that tries to give us hope: at least for some of us.

Read it at:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Global Warming: Religion, Not Science

“Solar variability is the major component in climate change and will run its course regardless of human intervention. The most sophisticated climate models indicate an undeniable discrepancy between surface and tropospheric temperature changes, which points to the sun as the primary agent in the long-term, fluctuating temperature curve.....The human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.”

This is a dense article which I would suggest be read carefully by those who have vested interests in the topic, and read by main paragraph headings by those not so interested in the details of the arguments. I personally, had to jump to paragraph headings half way through the read, which I found to be anything but intellectually insulting.

Check it out HERE.

Pray less, work more, says Islamic preacher

It seems that a leading Egyptian cleric is zeroing in on the failure of Islamic culture to be economically and competitively productive. The going and coming from the five prayers/day, with all the mandatory ablutions etc., leave no more than 27 minutes/day for actual productive work.

Can this cleric make a change in Islamic work ethics? Read the article at:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You, A Descendant of King David? Maybe!

A new genealogy and museum center has opened in Old Jerusalem that is helping people trace their family tree.

If this is of interest to you, check out the video at:

Click on the tab for "Israeli Salad", and then the thumb icon for program #166.

Lord Have Mercy

This is "A review of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything", by Christopher Hitchens, the often loud anti-theist who fancies himself a saint in the post neo-Marxist Olympus pantheon of 21 century Western atheists.

Even if you don't read the book, the review, written in 2007, is a must for those who might give some credence to Hitchens' arguments. You can read this scathing review at:

Consequences of "A Mideast nuclear war?"

"Anthony Cordesman may be the most influential man in Washington that most people have never heard of. A former director of intelligence assessment for the secretary of defense and director of policy and planning in the Department of Energy, he is now the top strategic guru at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

"Cordesman is a facts man who likes and reveres good data and cool, clinical analysis as the keystones of policy making."

In this article, Cordesman focuses like a laser on the MidEast.....What he sees is not good.

check it out at:

If not clickable, copy and paste into your browser address bar.