Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama Kotel Note Leak was Campaign PR Stunt

Read All About it, Read All About,
It won't even cost you 5 cents mister/mam.

"Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's campaign seems to have purposely leaked the contents of the note that he placed in the Kotel, web magazine Israel Insider wrote Tuesday."

While it was originally claimed that a young Yeshiva bachur had stolen the note and got it into the the hands of the extreme leftist publication, Ma'ariv, the story is now unfolding in a direction which, like an EARTHQUAKE, might have some long lasting political effects, since if true, will undoubtedly back lash on the Obama campaign vis-a-vis the Jewish vote.

This is not an article and video to be missed. Click here.

Monday, July 28, 2008

1/3rd British Muslim Students Justify Killing for Religion

This is a disturbing report being that the Muslim population of Britain is not even 20%, which by some observers is the point where Muslims begin to "come out of the closet" in regard to their opinions on Sharia Law (Muslim Law) vis-a-vis their host countries.

The reported summary of the report is here
The original report can be found here.

It Speaks for Itself !

Cartoon is found here.

The Arava Valley of Peace Project

This is a very entertaining Israeli propaganda video promoting and extolling the creation of a connecting waterway between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. The project is seen as the only way to prevent the Dead Sea from living up to its name, while and at the same time promoting self-sustaining commerce and tourism on both the Jordanian and Israeli side of the border. The project is very much akin to our very own Saint Lawrence Seaway between Canada and the United States, but with a more tropical-like, futuristic, touristy flair.

Watch this very interesting short video here.

Shiite Pilgrimage in Bagdad

The craziness of the Islmaic world continues to poke its ugly head as Muslim against Muslim even on holy days. Amazing!

This pilgrimage has been shattered by rival Muslim terrorists. See story and more images here.

China Olympic Architecture _Wow !

National Olympic Stadium in Beijing

National TV Hdqtrs. in Beijing

For more incredible pictures, go here.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Latest PA Libel Exposed


"Israel Dispatches Anti-Arab Rats.....

Two PA newspapers - one directly controlled by the office of PA President Mahmoud Abbas - are accusing Israel of releasing rats with supernatural qualities to chase away the Arab residents of Jerusalem,"

All goes to show that when the government (Olmert's) fails, Israeli scientist are ready to step right in. Read all about it here!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Employm't Discrimination Against Hareidi

You have all heard, I'm sure, about how the Hareidi in Israel are social service leaches on the Israeli economy. Well here's a study and a pending law that might hold up a revealing mirror to this pervasive understanding, especially among the secular, and anti-religious populations both in Israel and abroad.

That stereotype may soon shatter here.

Mideast Refugees — Failure vs. Success

"Two refugee problems ... still haunt us. One we all know about: the flight of some 650,000 Palestinian Arabs from what is now the Jewish state." The other, "the forced exodus of some 900,000 Jews from their centuries old homes in the Arab world" by the same Arab world in negative response to the birth of the modern Jewish State of Israel by the U.N.

Both refugee communities came into being at the same time due to the same historical events; yet one of these communities no longer is, while the other festers in full view of the world. Why is this? Read what Richard Z. Chesnoff has to say about this question here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rail Inspector Beaten Savagely by Arabs

Oops! This can't be true since I recently met an Israeli Jew who is convinced that the "savagery" goes the other way: Jew on Arab.

Read this interesting Brief here.

Globes: Disengagement Was 'Recipe for Chaos'

"Nearly 1,700 families expelled from northern Gaza and Gush Katif three summers ago still are without permanent homes ..... the Disengagement program, which the Globes business newspaper called a "recipe for chaos" remains some 89% unresolved.

Check out this News Brief article here.

Obama and Media Arriving Tuesday

"The massive press coverage of Sen. Obama's trip has fueled criticism that the America media are biased against Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain, whose visit to Israel, including Sderot, several weeks ago was barely covered.....

McCain, on the other hand, is a known quantity ... and his position does not excite nor fit the mainstream media's narrative on Iraq and Afghanistan, so they simply ignore it and him."

That pretty much says it all, and it doesn't speak well for the Free American Press. For the full report read it here.

Terror Training in Synagogue Ruins

Let's hear it for individuality!

Not in this exclusive video you won't. Unfortunately, I suspect that this Jihadist mentality is more pervasive than we think, even within the Islamic street.

This video, in a way, is even darker than “Dark Night” (D.N.) – the Batman movie - since D.N. is a comic book story, while this is for real.

Check it out here.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Back To The Furture - For Real

Dr. Ronald Mallett, a Theoretical Physicist, using Einstein's E=MC2 has come up with a way of Time Travel as per the History Channel. WOW!

If you like challenging your mind, then see this video, and several others HERE.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Arabs Buying Out Collapsing Western Banks

""The weak dollar and weak economy mean the United States is up for sale.......

The "new reality: the greatest transfer of income in human history [and] the rise of a new breed of wealthy autocracies that cripple U.S. hopes of dominating the global system and demands on the U.S. to make fresh compromises in a world where power is rapidly being diversified."

If this concerns you, click Here.

Israel Unveils New Spy Plane

"The aircraft is based on the GulfStream G550 executive jet, which according the IAI, is extremely fuel efficient for long-range missions......

"IAI (Israeli Aricrqft Industries) is currently the leader in the AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control market."

Check out the very, very short article and video Here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pro-Israel Revolution on Campus

'The true enemy of Zionism, according to the ZFA , is not radical Islam but globalization, which seeks to amalgamate continents into unified blocks and threatens Israel’s existence as a small Jewish state situated in a mostly Arab region........The eventual goal of Western governments is for Israel not to exist."

To read more about this movement which claims to be sweeping the political Left on campuses clear across America and Canada, click here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama Gives Final Burial to 'Undivided Jerusalem' Statement

As per a CNN Interview, Obama.....Confesses that his statement to AIPAC concerning his wish for a UNITED, JEWISH Jerusalem was a “SYNTAX” mistake, which he and his campaign “immediately tried to correct”: YEA, AFTER the lie was already out there from the horse's mouth to the hundreds at the AIPAC conference, and to the whole of the Jewish world via the Jewish media.

He not only got a standing ovation from the hundreds that he was addressing, but he got precisely what this kind of political snafu ("mistake") is intended to produce: the solidification of most of the AIPAC membership vote this coming November.

So, does one believe the original false statement (as per his confession), or do we believe the subsequent mia-culpa and re-write?

Once the trigger has been released, can one dodge the bullet? Not unless the vast majority of American Jews have watched the post AIPAC interview linked below and do a bit of political analysis on their own. Is there a mitzvah here for any of us?

Read, see and hear both the AIPAC clip, and the CNN interview here. The topic of Jerusalem comes up in the last quarter of the 9 min. CNN interview.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Arab and Israeli Statecraft

"Arab leaders probably look at Israel’s ruling elites as “useful idiots,” to use Lenin’s cynicism........

Israel’s ruling elites may not be paragons of virtue—the public deems them venal—but on the world stage, they cannot compete with the ruthlessness of their Arab adversaries."

For those of you who are familiar with Prof. Paul Eidelberg's reports, books and newsletter positions concerning the ME, those fighting words above are not new, but how he perceives ME history through the lens of those words will be.

Read the news letter here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The YMCA Dancing Rabbis: Oy!

These guys are good. Try to make out the English interspersed with the Hebrew, Here.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gazan Arabs Seek Compensation for Dismissal From Gush Katif Jobs

Let's see: The Israeli gov't forces Jews out of their land (Gush Katif), leaving their Agni. businesses behind, and abandoned. The thousands of of Gazan Arabs that had been employed by the Jews now have no work, but all the infrastructure for continuing the Agni business is handed over to the Arabs in order to make them self employed.

But NO, the Arabs don't want Jewish HAND OUTS, so they DESTROY the infrastructure leaving them without work/jobs. So....? (You all remember the pictures on the news showing them burning and pillaging synagogues and greenhouses). That was summer 2005.

Fast forward to summer 2008:

The Arabs now sue their ex-Jewish employers for LOST WAGES, not HAND-OUTS.

Can you believe? If you can stop laughing, click here for the short story.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Why Are We Happy? Why Aaren't We Happy?

Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and unexpectedly funny book, Stumbling on Happiness.

This is an important research topic since it has implications for the nature of the politics that we chose or don't chose. It impacts on the spouse we chose or don't...on the religious choices we make or don't.

It impacts just about any human topic of importance. His research points to the reason why so many remain unhappy despite the freedom to chose, and what the circumstances have to be to make us happy: some of us may not like this latter info.

Access the 22 min. lecture given in 2004 at the TED Conference of Ideas here.

Future Temple Priests Get Fitted for Service

Ok, so most of us know and have seen the solid Menorah protected behind Plexiglas for all to see on the Roman Cardo in Jerusalem, and many of us know about all the Temple utensils that have been made in preparation (see here) , but who would have ever thought that Shofar clarion would have been sounded, in our life time, for the Kohanim to show up to be fitted?

See the video and picture gallery here.

Historic Precedent: MRI in Place of Autopsy

What a great idea! Why are we not doing the same here in the U.S.?

The Swiss and the Brits are.

"Read all about it"! here.

Speaking Out Against Female Genital Mutilation

"This is complex; one wants to respect traditions and customs, but how can you if they are grossly damaging and cruel to women? Women's rights are more important than their ethnic rights. I don't think people should bring such a dreadful custom here and expect it to be respected. What we should respect are the people themselves, their feelings, their emotions."..........We want prevention; we want to stop it happening ever."

So says British author Ruth Rendell who is up and arms about the so called "female circumcision" as it's spreading in Britain, Europe and No. America. Seeing herself as a supporter of not only Women's Rights, but of human rights, the author is proposing some not too novel ideas as possible solutions; ideas which are seen as politically incorrect in certain circles here, on this side of the Pond.

Read the full article here.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Escape Rescue System

High Rise escape system that took 9/11 and some Jewish engineers to think of it.

Check this clever device out here.

Friday, July 4, 2008

1948, Israel, and the Palestinians: Annotated Text

"Sixty years after its establishment by an internationally recognized act of self-determination, Israel remains the only state in the world that is subjected to a constant outpouring of the most outlandish conspiracy theories and blood libels...."

So begins an article by Efraim Karsh in CommentaryMagazine.com.

The article is important because it details (with an abundance of citations from recently released documents) how the ME conflict was "created", with deliberation, by the ruling families within the Palestinian Arab world and the greater Pan Arab world.

If you're interested in how and why of the conflict, and have a bent for history, then this article is for you. Let it not be said that you didn't have the opportunity to inform yourself.

Click here to open to the story.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mercury's Magnetic-Volcanic Caldera

The volcanos are very active. Check out the full story here.

Two Thousand Years in Growing

"Three years ago (to the day!) I reported that Israeli researchers had germinated a 2000 year-old seed excavated at Masada, ...... The botanists called the lil’ sprout “Methuseleh”"

Continue here.

4th of July at the LAPhil.

This photo was taken by Isaack Bovyer, son of Gary and Shelly Bovyer while they were performing with the LAPhil last night, July 2, 08. Isaac was using his bran new Olympus FE-320 8.0 Mega pixel 3x optical zoom camera, and he and the camera performed (no pun intended: yea, right!) very well together.

What do you think?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Checking out the Glaciers.

If you love to fly, this is for you. If you tend to get sea sick, take a Dramamine first. Turn up your speakers.

Move your cursor (up-down, side to side) over the screen, and you will have the impression you are flying over the mountains. Have Dramamine?