Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Insane Rage of the Same-Sex Marriage Mob

"Before Election Day, national media handwringers forged a wildly popular narrative: The right was, in the words of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, gripped by "insane rage.

"But when the GOP took a beating on Nov. 4, no mass protests ensued.

In fact, in the wake of campaign 2008 there's only one angry mob gripped by "insane rage": left-wing same-sex marriage activists."

Read more HERE.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"What’s with Obama’s choice of old-time Clinton cronies and recycled Washington insiders to run the transition to his new politics of change?

"Can’t the anti-Washington insiders President-elect find anyone who isn’t a Beltway has-been?"

For the answer by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, go HERE.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Over 90% of Muslims Voted for Obama

Mon. Nov. 10, 2008.

"Muslims overlooked differences they might have had with the President elect's positions on same sex marriage and abortion......"

Short and insightful. Access the article HERE.

Chicago 1898: Socialism Hotbed

From ZionNet Magazine [], Election 2008 edition:

"Get a good look at the background of Socialism here in America in our U.S. & Socialism section. Don't miss "The Origins of Political Corr" and its interesting background.

"Before I send you to the site, please allow me to say that if you or a family member clearly remembers the social, economic, and political path of Europe leading up to WWII and the Holocaust, you will see the writing on the wall. America is heading down the same road. Don't ignore it! Don't close your eyes! Don't deceive yourself by believing that the outcome will be any different ... it will be worse, because it will be global!"

If this hot topic interests you, even post the elections, then go HERE.

Abbas Praises Suicide Bombers; Foreign Media Downplay Remarks

Bus bombers were "martyrs" lauded by Abbas

"Palestinian Authority Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in Ramallah in memory of his predecessor Yasser Arafat,........told thousands at the rally, 'The Palestinian leadership will continue to follow Yasser Arafat's path until a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is established.' Arafat carried out or ordered dozens of terrorist attacks before he died four years ago."

Well, Dah! For the complete story, go HERE.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Unity Fantasy

"But don't you see Obama has the potential to be a unifying force," he said. "He could bring the country together, the way Reagan did to win the Cold War."

The article by Andrew Ferguson in the Weekly Standard dissects this concept vis-a-vis the political context from which it arose. The question indirectly posed is whether such a concept - political unity- is possible outside the paradi of Communism or Fascism.

The article is brilliant and can be accessed HERE.

President Obama

"In politics, as one suspects in life, no good deed goes unpunished." This is accomplished through our American tendency to take things for "granted" which in turn reinforces short term political memory.

Read how Billy Kristol views it HERE.

Mark Steyn Is Not Alone

"The Islamic movement has two wings --one violent and one lawful-- w operate apart but often reinforce each other. While the violent arm attempts to silence speech by burning cars when cartoons of Mohammed are published, the lawful arm is maneuvering withing Western legal systems.....manipulating democratic court system to suppress freedom of expression, abolish public discourse........etc. etc.

For the full article, go HERE.