Monday, December 21, 2009

Copenhagen Had Three Levels of Control?

"Copenhagen was not about global warming but money. The cash that Hillary Clinton (pictured left) so dramatically plonked on the table, rising to $100 billion by 2020, which includes the £1.5 billion offered by Gordon Brown (money which of course he hasn't got) and which like a crazed gambler he last week upped to £6 billion (even more money he hasn't got), was merely a "sweetener" to persuade the developing countries to maintain the money-machine set in motion by Kyoto."

These words are out of the Telegraph in the UK but quoted in The Daily Bell. It's the intro to an analysis of the Copenhagen event that goes below the surface of what is reported in the regular media - perhaps with a purpose. Americans and Canadians are not going to like the conclusion of this analysis. But to read it, go HERE.

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