Friday, February 6, 2009

The King Is Naked and The HoneyMoon is Over

In his current editorial, Charles Krauthammer bemoans the end of BHO's political HoneyMoon which with most Presidents lasts around six months, but in this case, only two and a half weeks. Charles has opened the windows to the bridal chambers in order to let the hot air out. Apparently, Charles is having trouble breathing-in what he considers the pollution of the King's manipulative, rhetorical, messianic promises of "change" and his actual, on the ground "same old, same old".

If he's right, we may all need more than Tums and "two aspirin" in the morning to squelch the "acid reflux" and accompanying angina.

Click HERE for the pre-post mortem entitled Crisis, Catastrophe: Are These Words of Hope?

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