Friday, January 23, 2009

Death to Free Speech in the Netherlands

Who doesn't remember the short film "FITNA" produced last year by the Dutch MP, Geert Wilders? If you need a little prodding, it was the film which "is primarily comprised of quotes from the Koran which incite violence and death to "infidels" (any non-Muslim) as well as scenes of an Imam preaching death to the Jews. Akin to something out of the Twilight Zone". If you wish to refresh your visual cortex, click HERE.

In the meantime, Wilders, who has done for us in regard to warning us of what he sees as an Islamic world takeover of the West, what the mythical Paul Revere's Ride did for the 13 American Colonies, is now about to be prosecuted, at the behest of the Islamic world, in his own country and in his own court system (the Netherlands).

The Middle East Forum has printed this article as a warning to us in the West, of what such a prosecution will ultimately mean for ALL democracies in this age of Globalism.

Warning: if you are politically astute at all, you're not going to like this.
Click HERE to bring up the article.

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